Baking Adventures

Over the past week if you had been at our house you would have experienced dough people baking and bake fest 2012. Whew.  We also did our gingerbread house which thankfully required no baking, but smelled as if it was freshly baked!  Here are some pictures from our baking adventures!























lest you think it was all dreamy, take a look at my zopf loaf this yr! Terrible without those Swiss girls here to help me!







Oh me oh my!  Thankfully, Bake fest 2012 was more successful!

Bake fest 2012



















Gingerbread house







there might have been a wall collapse







Thanks, Grandma for the gingerbread house! The boys loved working on it together! We’ve never had such a fancy kit!




1 Comment

  1. Nomads By Nature

    awww… so sweet and so much fun! I didn’t know you could get gingerbread house kits — SO COOL! Cutting straight to the chase of fun and yummy decorating, best thing ever for little ones! (and mom’s too!)

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