Sunday Brunch…Swiss style

A while back our friends Daniela and Miguel invited us over for brunch. Daniela is Swiss and promised to make us Rosti! We have had it from the grocery store and restaurants but I have never been brave enough to attempt it at home. It was such a treat. Daniela had a yummy spread of bread, jams, cheese and rosti with over easy eggs.

Basically rosti is a big plate of hashbrowns, only instead of stirring them to get them all crispy you press them into the pan and they kind of make a hashbrown cake. Cake isn’t the right comparison but you will get the idea. The Swiss don’t only eat rosti for breakfast they eat it for lunch and dinner as well. They top it with vegetables, cheese, cream sauces. You name it they probably have it. Seth has been known to order his with bacon macaroni and cheese on top.    Not the healthiest meal for SURE but a yummy winter comfort food.



































After our delicious brunch we decided we better take a long walk to burn it off! We headed out in the chilly fog and enjoyed some fresh air.






















Jackson begged a ride in the stroller with Anna







every village has a hay bride and groom right?!

For those of you that may want to try to make this here is Daniela’s recipe!




800g (1.75 lbs)  potatoes, not too firm ones, cooked (preferably the day before –> left over jacket potatoes!), peeled, grated

1 tsp salt

3 big spoons of oil or butter
heat oil or butter in the frying pan

put salt over the grated potatoes

give the potatoes in the melted butter or hot oil, lower heat, stir and fry for app. 15 min

push it down a bit to form like a cake

put a plate on as lid. the idea is that the plate presses down the whole potatoe cake. fry for 5-10 min.

when theres a brown crust, turn it over with help ot the plate and fry the other side for 5-10 min.

serve with fried eggs.

even better: fry 150g bacon cubes before frying the potatoes and mix them in.


1 Comment

  1. Yummy! And beautiful pictures.

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