Butterscotch Peaches

I am betting I have already posted this but it is worth posting again.  My cousin Nathan made these for us when Jackson was born. He brought them over to our apt and we ate them with vanilla ice cream.  Or rather we ate a little vanilla ice cream with tons of the peaches. The name butterscotch kind of scared me at first because I don’t think butterscotch is my fav but it’s basically a buttery, caramely sauce. Trust me! It’s good.

Nathan got the recipe from the New York Times. You can find the recipe here.

The recipe looks intimidating but it is not as hard as it looks. It isn’t a quick, whip up dessert kind of thing but it is worth it.  The beginning part of boiling the peaches is to make them easy to peel…check the peaches first, if they are easy to peel don’t bother boiling them. I always use vanilla but I bet the other extracts would be good as well!

ps-don’t worry, we didn’t eat a whole batch in one serving. I quickly popped most of the batch into the freezer to use when we have visitors! I have no idea if it will freeze well but I figured it was worth a try……for the sake of our visitors and my waistline!

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