Family adventure

Tomorrow morning we are going to be loading the car and driving to Southern France where we will spend 5 days just the 4 of us. This will be our first  family vacation since Owen has been born. I think our last trip (other than our homeleave at our parents homes) with Jackson was in Bogota when he was small. So, it will be an adventure with 2. Two that do not stop moving! We are praying the weather clears up so they can enjoy the pool (read: be really worn out by bedtime and sleep like a dream)! I’ll be honest, as excited as I am to break out of the mundane that sometimes comes along with being at home, I am a bit petrified!  I am sure it’s nothing a little brie and french pastries can’t remedy. On that note, I better go pack Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred DVD….if nothing else I can put it on and the boys can get a workout!

Pictures and stories are sure to come! Not sure if we will have internet in our room or just in the reception area so you may not hear from us this week!

Here’s hoping the garden is still growing when we get back



  1. I love the idea of the boys doing the 30-day Shred. Let me know if they do 😉

    Take lots of beautiful pictures and do all sorts of French things so I can live vicariously through you!

    Oh and I’ll be praying for peaceful sleep and distracted/curious/exhausted boys :)

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