Picnic season

I am playing a bit of catch up today. We have been enjoying Spring so much that we are using most waking moments on the weekends to be outside.  A couple of weekends ago we decided to head to Emmental for their hot air balloon festival. We asked our friends Nick and Kima (South African friends…we met in Bogota..living in Zug, Switzerland now) if they wanted to join us. The weather was amazing.  After arriving to the location where we saw signs for the festival we learned that the balloons had landed early in the morning and that there would in fact be no balloons to see. OOOOKKKAAAy. Now that our little boy has been deflated. We decided to take a walk down to the cheese factory. We of course hit up a bakery on our way and stopped for a little snack. Followed by a nice picnic in the grass. Basically we were together for a couple of hours and ate most of the time! It was so fun to see the kids playing together and to catch up a bit. Thanks Nick and Kima for being good sports about the non-festival of balloons. Most friends would have been pretty annoyed to have driven so far.

pretending there is a big, beautiful balloon attached to the basket

sweet Erin

the boys were rewarded after being good travelers with popsicles on the porch.

The next day, Sunday, we were invited to a picnic to celebrate one of Jackson’s buddies birthdays. The picnic was at the Bern Rosengarten that overlooks Old Town. It was another beautiful day. The kids enjoyed running freely while the adults enjoyed picnicking and chatting. A highlight for Jackson was that the big fountain had a bunch of frogs swimming in it.


  1. Judy Seckinger


  2. Judy Seckinger


  3. Annie O'Leary

    Looks beautiful there – you are getting there!

  4. Annie O'Leary

    Looks beautiful there – you are getting there!

  5. Mom & Dad

    Was the little tent in the park for napping or playing? I had never thought of taking one along, but it’s not a bad idea.

  6. Mom & Dad

    Was the little tent in the park for napping or playing? I had never thought of taking one along, but it’s not a bad idea.

  7. Gorgeous! That bottom picture looks like forsythia. It’s my favorite bush that I first saw here in Oregon. It’s my goal to replace all the backyard bushes with forsythia. So beautiful in early spring when it’s still so dreary here.

  8. Gorgeous! That bottom picture looks like forsythia. It’s my favorite bush that I first saw here in Oregon. It’s my goal to replace all the backyard bushes with forsythia. So beautiful in early spring when it’s still so dreary here.

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