Transitioning Kids

So this isn’t officially a Foreign Service blog. We happen to be an FS family so this blog includes lots about our life as such but it isn’t meant to be “for the Foreign Service”. But lately I have been getting comments from other FS wives. I appreciate you all checking in. I am not sure how we got on the list of blogs and it makes me nervous but I am excited to likewise find other blogs and share in that community. We share a crazy lifestyle. I want to take advantage of your experiences and ask a few questions that have been nagging me. This is the one that gets me the most lately….

How is your lifestyle in the FS affecting your children…don’t give me the “kids are so resilient” stuff, tell me what the joys have been for your kids and where the challenges have been. Our 3 1/2 yr old has struggled with this particular move more than I anticipated and it has my wheels turning.

If you are comfortable, please share!!!  I would love to glean a little wisdom on this parenting abroad business!


  1. We’re only first tour so I don’t think I have any nuggets of wisdom. I was surprised how much “stuff” matters to my kids, especially after having gone through an AD. Good luck with everything. We let them do the usual, choose what stuff to haul along, etc. but it’s still hard sometimes. Our biggest concern is dealing with the security concerns without making them nervous of having our stress affect them. Does you child have random worries? We had one kid who was upset for awhile when we were putting away the winter blankets. When we finally got it out of her, it turned out she was afraid that they were gone forever and wouldn’t be coming to our next post. Good luck with everything!

  2. We’re only first tour so I don’t think I have any nuggets of wisdom. I was surprised how much “stuff” matters to my kids, especially after having gone through an AD. Good luck with everything. We let them do the usual, choose what stuff to haul along, etc. but it’s still hard sometimes. Our biggest concern is dealing with the security concerns without making them nervous of having our stress affect them. Does you child have random worries? We had one kid who was upset for awhile when we were putting away the winter blankets. When we finally got it out of her, it turned out she was afraid that they were gone forever and wouldn’t be coming to our next post. Good luck with everything!

  3. Our kids too have had attachments to funny things. For a long time Jackson was concerned that the packers were going to come again and wondered when we would go back home. I think it’s all normal. I find with each move I spend more and more time helping the kids to adjust as they get older and more aware. It’s a long process!
    Thanks for your comment!

  4. Our kids too have had attachments to funny things. For a long time Jackson was concerned that the packers were going to come again and wondered when we would go back home. I think it’s all normal. I find with each move I spend more and more time helping the kids to adjust as they get older and more aware. It’s a long process!
    Thanks for your comment!

  5. Glad my kids aren’t the only ones! My youngest still thinks of our AD hotel as “home.” I agree on the long process. My older kids have been talking about our DC move constantly and I expect a lot of discussion as we continue. Best of luck to you. I hope we run into you at some point!

  6. Glad my kids aren’t the only ones! My youngest still thinks of our AD hotel as “home.” I agree on the long process. My older kids have been talking about our DC move constantly and I expect a lot of discussion as we continue. Best of luck to you. I hope we run into you at some point!

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