Have you ever read that book…

“The Napping House”?..you know the one where EVERYONE is sleeping. Well, I am seriously considering writing a sequel to the book only my title would be “The Napless House” where NO ONE is sleeping.

I don’t know if it is the excitement of Christmas and an approaching visit from grandparents but our kids are living in crazyville. Not that the house is in a state of craziness, just them. Maybe the current running through our transformer to feed Swiss current into our American-made tree lights is just getting to them. Maybe it’s that they aren’t getting to run around as much because of the snow, no better maybe it’s because of the excitement from the snow. Or maybe it’s that they are too warm in their fleece footy jammies or too cold in their footless pj’s.  You see where this is going. When one tries to figure out what causes small people to be disrupted you drive yourself INSANE. So, to preserve my own sanity I am embracing this obnoxious disruption and mustering up every ounce of strength to pray that my little boys go to bed early and sleep, WITHOUT a PEEP!

Tomorrow we go to the Embassy to meet Santa! Now THAT is for sure going to calm my kids down!


  1. Judy Seckinger

    You have got to love it!!

  2. Judy Seckinger

    You have got to love it!!

  3. Glad my kids aren’t the only ones!

  4. Glad my kids aren’t the only ones!

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