20 months old

oh my goodness….2 years old is sneaking up on us!! Jackson has had a fun month and is learning so much. He has been talking for a while now but seems to be talking so much now…and to everyone!! He is now using 2 words together like “need people” (for his little people).  A couple of days ago I had a couple of little boys  here for speech therapy. Jackson loves to see the “big kids”. He was doing “high 5” with one of the little boys and started cracking up. He said to the little boy “you funny”.  Today he came in and saw Elmo laughing on his  video and said “elmo funny”. He is also using lots of action words like “raining”, “sleeping”, “running”, and “eating”. He loves to comment on how fast he goes when he runs. He learned “fast” with daddy! A couple of nights ago I kissed Jackson and told him I loved him. He said “thank you, mommy”.

He is really playing with his toys now. He does some pretend play with his little people. He enjoys pretending to feed them and shares his sippy cup. He named one of his little people Sonia. For those of you that don’t remember that was our first maid. Yesterday he insisted that Sonia come in the car with us. Everywhere we went he told people that it was Sonia. Very funny. He has caught on to the names of some of our front door guards. His favorite is Juan Carlos. When we go down the elevator he starts asking if Carlos is there. Every morning the guards comment on how cold it is outside. Just last week Jackson popped out of the elevator and proclaimed “frio”…for cold in Spanish! They all broke into laughter that he understood their system!!

Other favorite activities are coloring and the bean bucket. The bean bucket is a big tupperware of dry beans that we hide plastic toys in and go hunting. We scoop and pour and say “ay a you?” (“where are you?”).  It’s a nice activity to do inside on rainy days if you spread out a towel under. Jackson now knows the beans stay on the towel.  Jackson has a tantrum every single time the activity ends.

Jackson’s big adventure coming up is that we are flying home to TX to take him to the farm for a few days. The whole trip will be an adventure but we think he is going to love the farm. He loves cows and horses at the moment so it will be fun when he realizes he gets to be so close to them!

img_3272img_3273img_3289img_3217wiped out after church; about to get in trouble for sitting on arm of couch and jumping off; Easter egg display at mall; kissing Ruthie’s picture because I said we needed to give her birthday kisses.


  1. he is getting so big! have fun on your vacation to Texas.

  2. he is getting so big! have fun on your vacation to Texas.

  3. Thanks for the fabulous update! You know I love words so it’s fun to keep up with what he’s saying :) Will miss seeing you in April. I just can’t be gone for a weekend after the first week of class. And I’d actually only one full day in Texas. Alas.

  4. Thanks for the fabulous update! You know I love words so it’s fun to keep up with what he’s saying :) Will miss seeing you in April. I just can’t be gone for a weekend after the first week of class. And I’d actually only one full day in Texas. Alas.

  5. I can’t believe what all he’s saying and doing- my goodness! And to think we are just a few short months behind. Whew!

  6. I can’t believe what all he’s saying and doing- my goodness! And to think we are just a few short months behind. Whew!

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