Just an update

No creative titles tonight! We just realized that it has been a while since we have written a general update.

Our move to Bogota is fast approaching. We leave for Houston 5 weeks from Friday. We will spend the weekend there with family and then head to Bogota on Oct 3rd. The preparations for our move are well underway. Our focus right now is getting Jackson a passport. He is officially medically cleared which means we can take him in to get his visa and passport now. He will have to keep his passport for 5 years so let’s hope he can look mature in his picture! Maybe he will get to meet Secretary Rice when we take him to the Main State Bldg.
Seth is wrapping up his Spanish training. He will take his exam on Sept 21st. He has really enjoyed his training and doesn’t appear to be too stressed about the exam. He has adjusted to long hours of Spanish immersion.  Jackson and I are so thankful that he has so much Spanish since we will need it for survival. I plan on picking up more Spanish classes at the Embassy when we get settled.

Jackson is growing like a weed! He is one month old tomorrow. He is now 10 lbs 4 oz and 23 3/4 inches long. He is changing everyday. We are having so much fun interacting with him. He is smiling now and starting to coo! The doctor gave us the okay to let him sleep as long as he wants at night since he is gaining weight so well. I have been waking him up to feed him and then he wouldn’t go back to sleep. Last night (after getting the okay to sleep)  Jackson woke up on his own even more than usual. We are hoping that he was just testing us!

We don’t know exact details yet about our new home in Bogota. We are anxiously awaiting details. We interviewed someone via phone who will be helping in our home. Her name is Sonia and we are looking forward to meeting her. She is going to be so helpful to us especially since we will not have a car for a few months so we will need help with errands and grocery shopping. She will also clean and help with Jackson when I attend classes. Sonia does not speak English so we get good Spanish practice early on! We are excited that Jackson can learn Spanish from her.

On another random note, we got engaged 2 years ago today. So much has changed since then! It’s hard to believe it’s only been 2 years. We look forward to all of the new adventures ahead.

take care!



  1. all updates are welcome…regardless of the type of title. And you know what else is welcome…PIIIICCCTTTUUURRREEESSS!!! (of Jackson, of course)

    we always enjoy hearing the progression of Seth’s training and Jackson updates. we miss you guys!

  2. all updates are welcome…regardless of the type of title. And you know what else is welcome…PIIIICCCTTTUUURRREEESSS!!! (of Jackson, of course)

    we always enjoy hearing the progression of Seth’s training and Jackson updates. we miss you guys!

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