Easter Festivities

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We had a really nice Easter this year. We celebrated with the usual traditions of attending a special Easter service, going to an egg hunt, getting baskets of candy and delicious food. The most special thing this year for Seth and I was that both Jackson and Owen were really interested in the story of Easter. Throughout last week Seth read through the Easter story to them in pieces. They were all ears and had great questions. On Good Friday when Seth sat on their floor with the lights dim and boys heads on pillows ready for story time Seth told the boys he was going to read about Jesus dying on the cross. Owen exclaimed “ohhh I love that part of the story”. lol. Clearly he doesn’t love that Jesus died on the cross but he and Jackson were engaged and for the first time Owen was in on the action. Our church sang the song Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed by the Getty’s throughout the season leading up to Easter. It has become a favorite. I will attempt to add the link below…

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/uRnG2xzzEaU” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


We hosted my brother and his family for brunch and it was SO refreshing for me to work on creative, hostessy things again after a hiatus since MaryAnne was born. I have so missed having people in our home. It was nice to try a couple of new recipes and sweep up old cheeries off the floor and wipe off crusted finger prints spruce up the table. We had lots of great food but this time around my criteria was a bit different…I made things that make great leftovers, easy prep, and kid-friendly for the most part with a few specials!  My mom always jokes that as kids we knew it was a holiday when there was kiwi in the fruit salad. To this day I love the sight of a big fruit salad with kiwi to boot.

For those interested in the menu…

Easter Brunch Menu

Mimosas for the adults and Strawberry lemonade for the kiddos

Honey Ham with Pineapple Sauce

Fruit Salad

Spinach Salad with Strawberries, Blue Cheese, Walnuts and Poppyseed Dressing {Recipe Coming Soon}

Swiss Potato Gratin

Deviled Eggs (thanks to my SIL)

Blueberry Crumb Coffee Cake  (thanks to my SIL)

~for dessert~

Cheesecake with berry sauce

Dirt dessert for kids

{you can get fancy about this but I just layered chocolate pudding with crushed Joe Joe cookies from TJ’s! Added a few gummy worms and flowers and the kids loved it!}














  1. Jo Beth/Mia

    Beautiful décor and the menu sounds like it was fabulous! Great post! MaryAnne, looking at Ruthie, is thinking that she’s REALLY glad to have some girls in the house! “Don’t leave me!” :)

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