Owenisms and Jack tracks

Some big boy updates!

Owen is the family comedian and chimes in often with his quick wit!  He has a fierce temper but is the first to apologize and offer affection. He is growing up!  We often find ourselves laughing at his funny sayings. Here are a few from the past couple of weeks.  try correcting this one on the “right word”…he’s already written his own dictionary on these.

chicken pox=chicken nuggets


diary of a wumpy kid=wimpy kid

a couple of weeks ago I choked during lunch. I don’t know that this has ever happened to me but it was very scary! Seth was teleworking that day. I panicked and ran into the kitchen to “catch my breath” and not panic Owen but realized quickly that it wasn’t improving and I needed help. I motioned for Seth to do the Heimlich. By the time he ran around the table I was able to gasp and slowly recover. VERY SCARY!  As I recovered and caught my breath Owen said “WHOA! I did not see that coming!” Comic relief, that boy!

tatoo-this comes out with more of a British accent “tawtoo”

privacies=private parts

pork=we learned recently that Owen thought we were serving porcupine every time we had pork.



The sound track to Jackson’s life plays continuously! I can remember when he was 3 1/2 walking up our hill in Switzerland asking him what he was singing. He hadn’t even been aware that he was. That’s how is is these days too!

We are venturing into the world of the school online library and it is interesting to see his brain absorb all of these new things! He continues to love studying history and science. I am humbled by how much I forget of what I learned in school. The other day he asked me a tough math question. I told him he should save that one for dad and he said “mom, did you go to school too or just dad?” Ouch.

Jackson has been on a mission this year to dis-spell the bullying that goes on at school and is passionate about helping others. He was delighted to go to a food packaging activity at our church recently with Seth. They packed thousands of meal boxes for people in the Philippines. On their way into church Jackson whispered that he was a little concerned because it sounded like they were going to pack food for the Philistines!  He is working on his philanthropic heart at home…that arena is harder!

Jackson and Owen continue to build there brotherly bond through great big, loud fights, and simple invitations to make up and play again. They play hard and fight hard if that makes sense. They are working on their friendship and as ailing as the referring is it is nice to see those moments of sweet friendship. Discipline one and the other is the first to come to the rescue!  The picture below sums it up pretty well. The big scratch on Jackson’s face was from his warrior brother Owen in a fight. And yet, they are inseparable!


1 Comment

  1. Daniela

    Sorry about your scary experience. Glad you are safe.
    Loving the Philistines and porcupines! Hilarious.
    Miss you loads,

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