Fondue Night!

Sunday night we hosted my grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, and my brother and his family. It was a full table! We got 2 pots of fondue going and just enjoyed a festive evening. I love the holidays. I am trying to make people a priority this holiday…not that this is something new, but I don’t want to miss the times with special people because we are too busy!







the kids made paper ornaments for GiGi to take home with her for her tree







the faithful cheese stirrers









We really enjoy Trader Joe’s boxed fondue, nothing fancy but really yummy! (*TJ’s doesn’t pay me to brag on their products I just like them and want to share it with you!)  We normally dip bread, green apples, mini potatoes (also found at TJ’s) and sometimes other veggies like mushrooms and broccoli.  Pull out that fondue pot that you got for your wedding that you have never used!  And enjoy it with your family!  Thanks for coming up Grandma!! So nice to have you visit.






  1. I would have loved to be there!

  2. Wonderful pictures of a special evening.

  3. Annie O'Leary

    Okay – so I am making a trip to Trader Joe’s and getting some! I have only used my much cherished authentic Swiss fondue pot that we bought in Thun once! That’s terrible. Thanks for the motivation you over-achieving friend!

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