31 Days for Savoring Home: Day 20 Done with this mess!

The before pictures don’t do this place justice, well except for the laundry room pictures. The laundry room was somehow used as a multipurpose room with a small kitchen in it, one that NEVER saw a sponge or Clorox. Seriously, not sure how we have continued doing laundry in there but the washer and dryer corner was seemingly unused compared to the other parts. Today we are dealing with the  mess and redoing the whole space. I can’t say I’m savoring it yet. In the end I hope it’s a cheery mud room that serves our family as we come in from days loaded with backpacks, bags, shoes, socks, etc. We currently have piles building around our entryway of shoes, etc and with a split foyer layout that means the mess in when you walk in the front door. I bought some cabinets at the Habitat for Humanity Restore (great place!!!) that we plan on putting up to act as our backup storage for every other area of the house.

So wish us luck, I am learning that part of savoring something is cleaning up the mess and clear the cobwebs. Here are some before pics…














Enough ignoring this mess!  Hoping to bring you some after pictures shortly!

ps- happy birthday to my little brother! while we paint today my mom is cooking him a Thai feast!! The smell of paint just won’t compare!! :)

1 Comment

  1. What did you do with the wardrobe that was in there? Will it return? I’m looking forward to what you do. The area definitely needed help. I keep watching for a bench/shoe storage at an affordable price but haven’t found one yet. YOu may not want it if I do find one, but it’s always fun to be on the look-out for something.

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