Jackson’s comsumer reports

After a hiatus from blogging here goes…

This is random but since so many of our friends and family have babies (or will soon have babies) we thought it would be fun to tell you about our favorite baby stuff so far…

Ikea Tunnel- this was a surprise package from my parents when we came back from med-evac. It ties up so you can put it away and it is so much fun for Jackson. On rainy days when we can’t get out this is a lifesaver!

“Goodnight Moon”-this is our favorite bedtime story, at least right now. Before Jackson was born I didn’t know why it was so popular. It has something special about it.  He cuddles right up to hear it! Some of our other favorites are “The Going to Bed Book”,

Gerber puffs and dried fruits- What would we have done without puffs! If you haven’t tried them yet, go try them! The fruits are so nice because when you are out and about it is hard to feel juicy, wet fruits…the dried apples are Jackson’s favorite! They dissolve really easily.

Sleep Sak-Some babies hate these but Jackson LOVES his sleep sak! Recently Sara (Seth’s sister) emailed me a link for toddler and youth size sleep saks. I had to laugh thinking that Jackson might have to turn down sleepovers some day, not because he wets the bed but because he will still be using a sleep sak. For your viewing pleasure I have attached the link that Sara sent me. Don’t worry Jackson will not be getting one of these!


Backpack- Jackson grew out of the baby bjorn so fast. We loved it but with him being so tall we graduated fast. We just made the investment in a backpack. It will last until he is 3! I hope I strong enough to carry him that long! We are envisioning using it in the mountains of Switzerland if we get assigned to Bern. We have tried it out and although he loves it, he is still 20+ pounds according to our backs and shoulders. We must be really out of shape. We will have to build up to long hikes!!

Razzle Berry teether!- this attracts much attention but is so good for teething! Jackson used it non-stop when he was teething. It is a pacifier that looks like a raspberry. It is all bumpy which makes his gums feel better.

Also on the teething note, Oragel now makes swabs that have oragel in them. We use them quite frequently. They are really nice for traveling since taking the tube ges messy.

Praise Baby Worship DVD’s- these have become a mainstay in our home. I know people think babies should not watch TV until age 2. This is because people think that babies don’t learn at this point. Jackson actually learned to clap watching Praise Baby..but to be honest even if he didn’t learn anything it is so nice to have something peaceful to put on that relaxes him and is pleasant for all of us.

Flowing Vapor Cold Stuff (obviously not the official name but since it works and Jackson is sleeping I can’t get the real name off the package because it is in his room)- Jackson is currently sick with a really bad cold. When I was back in the states I bought him this little vapor machine that has vicks type stuff flowing out. It has been a life savor. The cherry scent is a bit strong but it helps him breath and the tablets last 8 hours! Since he is too little for cold medicine this has been so helpful!


  1. Jo Beth

    Thanks for the report! What a great idea! Getting random recommendations from parents you know and whose parenting styles you know. I’ll keep these things in mind for future purchases for others.

    I see my seahorse pajamas in the background of the raspberry teether–scraps from my mom that my grandmother used for a quilt top.


  2. Jo Beth

    Thanks for the report! What a great idea! Getting random recommendations from parents you know and whose parenting styles you know. I’ll keep these things in mind for future purchases for others.

    I see my seahorse pajamas in the background of the raspberry teether–scraps from my mom that my grandmother used for a quilt top.


  3. i’m likin the ikea tunnel…do they make them in adult sizes as well? we will have to keep this idea in mind for luke!

  4. i’m likin the ikea tunnel…do they make them in adult sizes as well? we will have to keep this idea in mind for luke!

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