A new week

Hi folks,

Hope you all had a nice weekend. Yes, I realize it’s Tuesday not Monday and the week started yesterday but my week feels like it is just getting going. I am having a hard time finding momentum. I think it’s just part of getting into a new schedule and balancing out the busy and the tired. Oh yea, and recovering from an entire summer of moving and working on the house.

A few times lately I have been aware that when I sit down to work at the computer I am literally half on the chair, turned toward someone needing something while half listening and half typing.  I am realizing that I need to have more focused times. More focused times with my kids and more focused times to tap into creative things. I know there was a lot of buzz a while back about being distracted by pintrest, facebook, and presentness if that’s a word. I agree wholeheartedly about being present but I also think it’s a truly beautiful thing that as a stay at home mom I can find some sanity and refreshment in creative things. I used to feel guilty about that, now I realize I need it.

So tonight I am heading out before my first PTA meeting (I know, crazy that we are in that phase of life)  and I am going to spend some time alone blogging and thinking a bit more clearly. I am hoping to hop on with the Nester in October and do a 31 day series but I know that it is going to require me to carve out more time! More on the series soon. Still hashing it all out.







In other mini updates…

Jackson is still really enjoying kindergarten, Owen is adjusting to his buddy being gone all day and I am still figuring it all out.

Seth had a neck/back procedure last week. Pray that it relieves the pain and numbness he has in his fingers and arm from a herniated disk. I sure would love for him to not have to have back surgery!

Our house is now home for 2 big caterpillars. Let me rephrase that, our house now houses 2 sealed jars that are home to two caterpillars. One we think is a polyphemus moth and the other is a black swallow tail caterpillar. The black swallow tail is already in the crystalis (sp?) phase, while the polyphemus is still just a big fat caterpillar. We have had tons of butterflies this year in our yard. It will be fun if one of the caterpillars survive long enough to be released as a butterfly.

We are continuing to enjoy life here in the US but also really miss our dear friends in Switzerland and abroad. I am just now getting around to changing subscriptions to magazines and other normal life stuff…I think I have been dragging my feet a bit because there is that lingering part of transition that takes longer to grasp.  It’s tough to miss watching friends babies grow and experience the seasons with friends from afar. So, if you are in Switzerland, know that you are missed and certainly not forgotten!

Have a great day wherever in the world you might be!  It’s 70 degrees here at 10 AM…I think that calls for a cup of Swiss hot chocolate on the porch with Owen!


  1. If you’ve already got some fall color, I’m jealous!

  2. Mmmhhh Hot Chocolate! I crave it often, then I leave the AC and desist… Have a wonderful september!

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