A baby shower and preschool brunch

This weekend has been packed. Yesterday I made a baby shower cake for a friends shower that I attended in the afternoon. Today we spent the morning with Jackson’s school at a local farm for the end of the year party. They served a traditional Swiss brunch. This evening we had a potluck at church! Our last weeks in Switzerland have been so full of fun times with friends making memories that we will for sure not forget.

Baby Shower

The cake looks grey in this lighting but I promise it was pale purple. I made a cream cheese icing and I guess because it was so hot outside it was super thin. Instead of piping on decorations like I had planned I had to find a plan B quickly because the icing was just running off. So it looked artsier than I had planned but tasted good and the makeshift clothes line looked cute in the end! The shower was beautifully done by my friends, Karen and Merve. They decorated with lots of flowers and purple decor and had a beautiful spread of fruits, veggies, cookies, etc.  The favors were little flower pots with seeds displayed on a cupcake stand. Such a cute idea. Beautiful job, ladies!






































Preschool Farm Brunch
















get this boy a pup!
















king of the mountain
















class sing along






















succulents in the roof gutter! so pretty!








  1. Jo Beth

    Love the pictures of Owen on the stumbp and Jackson smiling while clapping. And the cake really is artsy and beautiful.
    I’m going to miss seeing those cows again.

  2. I bet you are going to miss your friends and neighbors. I loooveed the clothes line on the cake and the watermelon stroller!

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