Where in the World #20

Thanks for bearing with us during our hiatus.  I don’t think we fully thought through what this game would entail!


This country is one of the most Protestant in Latin America, with about 40% claiming to be Protestants.  Miguel Angel Asturias won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1967.  One of the capitals of Spanish colonial America was moved here in 1629 after a “water volcano” (I have no idea what that is!) destroyed the previous capital.  This is one of the very few countries Kristen and I have both been to.


  1. Guatemala City, Guatemala!!

    The original capital was Antigua, which is a beautiful city, that was destroyed by the volcano eruption. I believe the volcano is still active in Antigua among many others in Guatemala.

    Ok… but here is my question for you guys… Can we call it visiting if we live there too? What a blessing it would be for us to live close to each other again!! We are excited about this one for sure!

    Luke says HI to Jackson!

    Meredith (for the Seabourn family)

  2. Guatemala City, Guatemala!!

    The original capital was Antigua, which is a beautiful city, that was destroyed by the volcano eruption. I believe the volcano is still active in Antigua among many others in Guatemala.

    Ok… but here is my question for you guys… Can we call it visiting if we live there too? What a blessing it would be for us to live close to each other again!! We are excited about this one for sure!

    Luke says HI to Jackson!

    Meredith (for the Seabourn family)

  3. Guatemala City, Guatemala!!

    The original capital was Antigua, which is a beautiful city, that was destroyed by the volcano eruption. I believe the volcano is still active in Antigua among many others in Guatemala.

    Ok… but here is my question for you guys… Can we call it visiting if we live there too? What a blessing it would be for us to live close to each other again!! We are excited about this one for sure!

    Luke says HI to Jackson!

    Meredith (for the Seabourn family)

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