Easter “Spring Fling”

On Saturday we spent the morning with other Embassy families on the Ambassador’s lawn participating in a “Spring fling”.  The boys had fun hunting for eggs, doing a bunny hop sack race, racing with spoons on eggs and all kinds of fun games. Our Community Liaison office did a great job.  Here are some pictures (excuse the huge sun spots, we roasted hot dogs over a fire by the river the night before and I forgot to clean my lens. Oh well.)


































Jackson with our neighbor Dominic







Owen proudly craddled his egg and spoon the whole way!







bunny hop





































In other news, we closed on our house last night! here is it for those who haven’t seen it on facebook yet!








We popped a bottle of bubbly and had some chocolates to celebrate! Looking forward to seeing it for the first time in our jetlag fog on July 2nd!!

We are all packed and heading out after Seth gets off work today to take a family road trip. We have some foreign service friends that live in Brussels and they are away in London for the week and have offered their home! So, free lodging and some time away!    We are going to drive tonight as far as the base and spend the night their. We are hoping to take the boys bowling and for lunch on the base before driving on the Belgium. We are not super spontaneous so planning this a few weeks ago is kind of pushing my spontaneity level. These family road trips tend to be quite refining but I think a little family time might be just what the boys need. We have been packing our schedule way too tight with playdates and have had little time just the 4 of us! So, here’s hoping for the best…6 hours each way! :)

We hope that you all have a blessed Easter!

1 Comment

  1. So I must admit, I’ve been really bad at reading people’s blogs, as well as updating mine :). Sibylle told me at dinner last night that you posted a picture of your house, so I went on a search for it. I LOVE it! You are going to have so much fun making it your own. I’m sure it will be beautiful! It makes me sad to think about you leaving though…

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