Southern Hospitality?…Anyone?

Since we have been in the DC area we have been shocked at the lack of southern hospitality.  Many people we have encountered are very impatient and even quite rude. One afternoon, I was going to the local Michael’s craft store. I entered the double doors in the front and headed towards whatever crafty thing that caught my eye first.  As I went through the door just after a larger woman came out she literally yelled at me that I was going in the exit.  I didn’t know if I could get over my hurt feelings after being yelled at by a complete stranger. I can understand if I had impaired her large body from passing through the doorway but my walking through the wrong door had no impact on her personal life! In the same week I was snapped at by the owner at the Omaha steak store, honked at at least 6 times and almost got hit a few times in our grocery store parking lot because “yeild” is not explained in international driving books.

Another thing that we have noticed on a daily basis is that the DC area has a NYC complex when it comes to driving.  Meaning that they love to honk! In NYC you can typically tell why someone might be ticked off but in DC everyone honks even when there is no apparent reason why. The driving scene is interesting enough because so many of the drivers are new to American driving or new to driving in general because they have immigrated. The mix of impatient northerners and foreigners makes driving quite unpleasant. In TX there was a certain restraint that we used when interacting with other drivers because of the fear of handguns…without that fear here it is more difficult to not honk back! As mentioned above, we have almost been in quite a few accidents in the grocery store parking lot.  Instead of checking your rear view mirror and slowly exiting your parking space, it is very typical for multiple people the launch out at the same time and spend the next 5 minutes honking and yelling at one another.  Because people honk unnecessarily we have found that people ignore honks when they are actually needed when they are about to hit someone…specifically us on numerous occasions!

I was in TX last week visiting family and I was shocked to be immersed in such “niceness”. I am aware that we are all human and that Texans too can be rude but for the most part we can at least pretend to be nice even if we are saying things like “bless his little heart” which basically means “what an idiot”! I went to HEB with my mom to get groceries and was bombarded by 3 friendly girls working the checkout line. They asked me how my day was going, asked 3 times if I had found everything I needed , made small talk about the live crawfish that had just been  stocked and offered me help with my groceries.  Coming from VA I didn’t know how to respond. I asked my mom what was wrong with them. They had to have been in training with camera watching them. She thought this was the usual. At our store, the clerk rarely makes eye contact, hisses if you ask a question and makes you sack your own groceries if you comment on the spring weather!!

Despite the severe lack of southern hospitality, we are thoroughly enjoying the emergence of Spring in the north! The forsythias are in bloom as well as the daffodils and pussy willows (Seth was introduced to pussy willows just the other day). The cherry blossoms are starting to peak out of their buds. The cherry blossom festival starts next weekend and although we might encounter rude people at the festival we are sure to enjoy the beautiful flowers.

I think you get the point! Even if you aren’t from TX, try to be extra sweet today. If you feel inclined to yell at someone going in an “out” consider the fact that they might just be a nice, pregnant woman that forgot to read the sign!  They aren’t likely trying to ruin your day!


  1. Ahhhh…the joyful music of car horns…creating melodious music for those frustrated, stressed drivers:) I have some thoughts on car horns:

  2. Ahhhh…the joyful music of car horns…creating melodious music for those frustrated, stressed drivers:) I have some thoughts on car horns:


  1. The Forgotten Car Voice « Mindless Musings - [...] March 26th, 2007 So, just a comment about honking in response to my friend’s post (click here…
  2. The Forgotten Car Voice « Mindless Musings - [...] March 26th, 2007 So, just a comment about honking in response to my friend’s post (click here…

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