Happy Halloween

Hi folks, sorry I seem to be quite quiet around here lately. Maybe it’s the 4 halloween parties I had to dress my kids for, or my husband not sleeping well as he waits for his next job to be determined, or maybe it’s that I am trying to maintain my house while trying to be crafty…all while being patient with my kids.  Anyhow, sorry for the random in’s and out’s!  Since it’s now November 1 my prediction is that things will settle down…um, January 8th or so when we are back from the US! Kidding, I hope things settle down before then!

Jackson was originally a Jack in the box but last week we went into a kid’s thrift store (while our snow tires were being put on, booooo!) and Seth bought him a superman costume. Seth couldn’t resist it and had been feeling like no one here would even know what he was as Jack in the box. And if it seems confusing that Owen is two different costumes, we had 4 parties this yr (preschool, playgroup, trick-or-treating with friends, and the Embassy shindig) and I knew the puppy would keep him warmer when we were outside. Next year Halloween will be much less complicated I imagine.  At least Owen has Jackson’s old costumes to fall back on!










there was no denying that the superman costume suited him!




























Sunday evening we went trick-or-treating with some Swiss and German friends. Most were expats who have lived in the US or Canada and are trying to start more of a tradition here. The kids knocked on a few doors and got the experience, although many of the neighbors had no idea what was going on!







Owen and his buddy Mica.  They do swimming lessons together.







Next up was the Embassy party. The kids love going to Seth’s work and being there with him!
































Superman was fading fast!







Superhero friends.










so ready for bed!!!

My tiredness now feels justified after reviewing our last week! Sneaking off to make a cup of tea because it seems that so much craziness is even enough to make Superman tired enough for a weekday day! Hallelujah!!!


  1. I love how it looks like Jackson is “making eyes” at the supergirl :) So cute!

  2. ADORABLE pictures!!! Oh my goodness!!!

  3. I love these pictures! Somehow my 13 year old fairy, 14 year old cheerleader and 16 year old boy in a blue morph suit aren’t as cute as a puppy and superman! Love to all – Annie

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