It’s that time again!

Well, it’s that time again. It feels like just yesterday it was May and I was saying that we had the summer to enjoy before the bid list came out. It’s out. It came out yesterday.  We are still enjoying summer but August is definitely here and for this it marks another season of big decisions.Yesterday happened to be Swiss National Day so as Seth opened the list and we began to browse we heard major firework action outside of our house, which only added some edge to the already high blood pressure!

I have two emotions during bidding time that basically fight each other the entire time.  I feel excitement about all of the possibilities and I feel completely overwhelmed to make the best decision for our family…every single family member. The task is daunting. I know some couples whose spouse  does the bidding and lets them know where they will be headed. For us it is a family decision. Each post has their own set time to start positions, Seth has different trainings to complete and we have family factors like Jackson’s school and my sanity! Ha!

I feel a bit like our family is a muscle that has been overstretched. (this image is particularly powerful after doing Jillian Michael’s shred and feeling sore while sitting to type) Initially our experiences really strengthened us and stretched us in a healthy way beyond our comfort zones but I think we may be coming on a time where we need to give this muscle some rest and be closer to home for a season.  Anything could happen, we are still looking into some overseas possibilities that might be beneficial long term. The pro and con list just seems to complicate things because we can see both sides. But, we are really digging deep and looking at the big pictures.

Kuddos to all of you Foreign Service wives out there that have done this tour after tour! And to those that have survived their first pack out and big move.  I recently read a blog of a girl who described her most stressful month of her nearly 10 yr marriage. Ladies, her most stressful month summed up a day as a foreign service wife planning an international move, packing out, transitioning kids and settling in for the umpteenth time.  I am not saying it wasn’t stressful for the blogger,  I am saying we need to give ourselves a hand for tackling the stresses that some days have started to seem routine!

some Alpine dandelions to ease the blow of bidding!

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