Let my people go!

Today is a historic day in Colombian and American history.  As you’ve probably seen in the news, 3 American hostages who worked for the embassy were rescued from the FARC (a Colombian terrorist group) by the Colombian military.  The hostages were currently the longest held Americans in captivity in the world, over 5 years.  Every American delegation to Colombia raised the issue with the government, emphasizing our desire for them to be freed.  The Colombians always stated that they were doing their best.

The rescue was announced to the embassy via intercom.  A marine said that the Colombians had rescued the Americans and that they were alive.  Everyone clapped and had a look of shock on their faces.  I think most of thought the day would never come.

I called Kristen and she immediately turned on the TV and watched the news with Sonia and Jackson.

The Colombians were ecstatic and proud of their country, as they should be.

In the embassy there is a small table with the picture of the 3 hostages, along with some symbolic items.  Since their capture, there have been a dozen yellow roses next to their pictures.  After hearing of the news I went by the table, and in addition to the other symbols, there was a celebratory can of beer next to each picture and a verse from the Bible taped to the table.  The Scripture was from Exodus where Moses tells Pharoah, “Let my people go so that they may worship me.”  In February at the 5th anniversary of their capture, the ambassador gave a speech, and he quoted that verse.  It was nice to see it fulfilled, in a way.

The embassy was already planning a huge 4th of July bash at the embassy.  This Indepedence Day will be extra special for our embassy community.


  1. Evelyn Stilwell

    Hey Seth! Glad to hear this news. I saw s documentary on Betancourt last night. She seems to be a compassionate and brave person. Hope you and Kristen are well. Who is Sonia? Yours, Evelyn

  2. Evelyn Stilwell

    Hey Seth! Glad to hear this news. I saw s documentary on Betancourt last night. She seems to be a compassionate and brave person. Hope you and Kristen are well. Who is Sonia? Yours, Evelyn

  3. Evelyn Stilwell

    Hey Seth! Glad to hear this news. I saw s documentary on Betancourt last night. She seems to be a compassionate and brave person. Hope you and Kristen are well. Who is Sonia? Yours, Evelyn

  4. By the way, I wanted to offer a belated congrats on the recent successes we hoi poloi rarely see or hear about. You picked a tough career, and I, for one, appreciate the untold sacrifices you and your family make for the rest of us… keep up the good work!

  5. By the way, I wanted to offer a belated congrats on the recent successes we hoi poloi rarely see or hear about. You picked a tough career, and I, for one, appreciate the untold sacrifices you and your family make for the rest of us… keep up the good work!

  6. By the way, I wanted to offer a belated congrats on the recent successes we hoi poloi rarely see or hear about. You picked a tough career, and I, for one, appreciate the untold sacrifices you and your family make for the rest of us… keep up the good work!

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