Hanging out in DC

We had a whirlwind week before heading to DC. Jackson met his great grandparents on the Seckinger side and got to go see his other great grandmother, Mimi, on Mother’s Day at the nursing home. We also got to attend my parents farewell party as they are taking a hiatus from ministry after 30 years! Even though we didn’t plan to be in Houston during this time it was fun to coincidently get to be there for some big family events.

We are currently in DC taking care of other family medical stuff while we are back in the states. It has been fun to see friends and today we are getting to visit with my Aunt Carrol and cousin Johnathan. We return to Houston on Sat and then Seth heads back to Bogota on Tuesday afternoon. Jackson goes back to MD Anderson on Tuesday as well. It will be a relief to have all of this behind us. Our lives were kind of catapulted out of order and we are looking forward to getting back to some kind of normal..even if it’s a “new normal”.

Jackson is having the time of his life these days! Ever since we “set him free” from confinement he has been a little wild man. He is cruising holding on to the couch and doing pull-ups on the high chair. We think he might be walking by the end of the summer. The most desirable objects in the apt are the wires, plugs and doors. He is giving everyone a good workout. His Mia (grandma Kolb) was here for a few days last week and spoiled him with lots of walks and tickling. My mom came on Sat and will be here until we head back to Houston. Yesterday he got to go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History with his Nama (Grandma Seckinger). They had quite an adventure with Jackson’s diaper bag getting stuck under the stroller in the security line and eventually spilling it’s overflowing contents when it was finally dislodged. As you can imagine this held up a line of anxious tourists. He was also obsessed with removing his socks (this is one of his favorite pastimes). My mom got more sympathy for his cold feet than I get in Bogota. In Bogota I get lots of dirty looks for “under-dressing” him.

On another note, we are celebrating a few things these days..the first, my brother Graham graduated from Texas A&M and just started his first job. He graduated on a Friday and was working the following Monday…pretty impressive. AND our friends the Maney’s just welcomed little Jonas into their family yesterday! You can check out his pictures by clicking on their blog link!

We are missing our cord to upload pictures so we will post some pictures from graduation, etc when we return to Houston. Stay tuned.


  1. Holly

    Sounds like you guys are as busy as ever. Hope everyone is feeling okay and hanging in there. Enjoy the unexpected time with family and friends while you can!

  2. Holly

    Sounds like you guys are as busy as ever. Hope everyone is feeling okay and hanging in there. Enjoy the unexpected time with family and friends while you can!

  3. Holly

    Sounds like you guys are as busy as ever. Hope everyone is feeling okay and hanging in there. Enjoy the unexpected time with family and friends while you can!

  4. redmons

    Hey Kristen, I’m glad everything is going a bit better. How are you feeling? I love the video of Jackson at the hospital….. he seems so happy and carefree! Check your facebook sometime, I’ve got a question for you about wordpress.

  5. redmons

    Hey Kristen, I’m glad everything is going a bit better. How are you feeling? I love the video of Jackson at the hospital….. he seems so happy and carefree! Check your facebook sometime, I’ve got a question for you about wordpress.

  6. redmons

    Hey Kristen, I’m glad everything is going a bit better. How are you feeling? I love the video of Jackson at the hospital….. he seems so happy and carefree! Check your facebook sometime, I’ve got a question for you about wordpress.

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