Rainy Day Activity

It is a rainy morning here in Bern. Thank goodness! I have been loving the sunny weather but the pollen has almost been unbearable. I hope it rains hard enough and long enough today to wash the pollen away! But along with rainy days comes the need to occupy the kids inside more!

Most of you know that Jackson attends a playgroup 2 mornings a week. They call it a playgroup…it’s basically a Mother’s Day Out. They do crafts and learn about seasonal things, they have playtime and music time. It is more structured than a free for all but not a formal preschool. One of Jackson’s favorite things to do at “school” is play with playdough. We have it at home so it isn’t novel to him but he thinks it’s different there. One day when I picked him up the teacher said “I promise on Friday I will get you the recipe for the playdough”. I thought, “hmmm. Okay, no rush. I had no idea we needed it.”  On Friday the teacher made a beeline to me with the recipe. She explained that while Jackson played with the playdough one day he asked all about where to buy that kind. She explained that she made it and he asked her for the recipe. Such a funny kid.

A couple of weeks ago on a rainy Sunday morning Jackson and Seth made a batch! Jackson and Owen have enjoyed it so much so I thought I would share the recipe with you too.  I added a few of my own little tidbits but all credit goes to the English Speaking Playgroup for this fab recipe.

ESP’s Famous Playdough Recipe

2 tsp of cream of tartar

1 cup plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

1 T. oil

1 cup water

Mix ingredients into a smooth paste. Stir in some drops of food coloring. Cook slowly on the stove over low heat until the dough comes away from the sides of the pan. When it is cool enough, knead for 3-4 mins. Put water in pan to soak to make sure it doesn’t stay forever!

My sweet friend Amy in Bogota made some for Jackson’s second birthday. I don’t know what recipe she used but I bet it was similar! She made 4 colors and put them into little plastic tubs! It was a super cute, cheap birthday gift that Jackson LOVED and enjoyed for months following!

Hope you and your kids enjoy!!


  1. Annie O'Leary

    Of course you make “homemade playdough”! You’re the best! My Mom has a recipe that she always made for the kids when we visit – it is fairly slimy and actually made with glue but my BIG kids still love it! I will have Mom log on your blog and maybe share the recipe!
    Happy Rainy Day!

  2. Annie O'Leary

    Of course you make “homemade playdough”! You’re the best! My Mom has a recipe that she always made for the kids when we visit – it is fairly slimy and actually made with glue but my BIG kids still love it! I will have Mom log on your blog and maybe share the recipe!
    Happy Rainy Day!

  3. Nomads By Nature

    Great recipe! I happened to have that from my Mom’s days back in the 70s with Head Start Day Care. Not only did we add the colors, we used flavoring extracts so that the color matched a smell: Yellow: Banana or Lemon; Red: Peppermint, etc. It is a great gift! One that I think I should go back to making for friends kids, since mine are now “too grown up” to keep it in the house. Thanks for reminding me of this simple fun time for little ones!

  4. @ Annie, I pawned it off onto Seth so I can’t take credit! I would love your mom’s recipe!!
    @ Nomads, I love the idea of adding flavoring! I will have to see what extracts they sell here. My kids would love that! thanks for sharing!

  5. @ Annie, I pawned it off onto Seth so I can’t take credit! I would love your mom’s recipe!!
    @ Nomads, I love the idea of adding flavoring! I will have to see what extracts they sell here. My kids would love that! thanks for sharing!

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