Only in Switzerland

In our grocery store there is a bagged salad section similar to what you would see in the US. When I am lazy and don’t feel like washing lettuce (read: every time I go to the store because I am in a season of my life that does not warrant lettuce washing except for RARE circumstances)  I head on over and grab a bag of greens.  A few months ago I discovered that they have one bag that is the salad of the month. During the Fall I was pleased to discover chopped apples in one of the bags. Since I don’t speak German I usually don’t even attempt to decipher the ingredients. I just glance in the bag and if it seems relatively normal I snag it.

Yesterday I hurried through the store on my way to get Jackson from school. I grabbed the salad of the month for May. Much to our surprise last night we had a salad with heart shaped carrots.  Somewhere in the Swiss alps there is a machine set to cut carrots into hearts for the month of May.

I can’t even imagine what the salad of the month for June will contain!!


  1. Sarah

    That is very funny AND pretty strange all at the same time

  2. Mom & Dad

    Now that’s fun!!


    Dear Kristen and Seth,

    Thank you for all the time youo take to write your thoughs. You really should write a book for moms, with recipes and playdough and ideas. You are a wonderful writer! You express yourself with such interest and insight and the pictures are darling. Owen does look like David did when he was the same age. Isnt it amazing that children with the same parents can look so different!

    Lots of love,

    Grandma and Granpa

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