So, is it going to snow again?

This is my question for anyone I encounter that has lived in Bern longer than us. My Colombian neighbor that has lived here for years swears it will still snow again. The Swiss say we can count on another snow by April or even into April. What???? Let’s hope these snow-loving people are so wrong. Because I NEED Spring. Yes, I said NEED. I need some regular sunshine and time outside of this house. And so do the boys. We have had some really nice days this week and we have gotten out each afternoon after nap.The gardeners came and cleared out the old grasses and plants, revealing tons of tulip, daffodil looking plants! So exciting! I keep telling myself that the gardeners would not have cleared the winter plants away until winter was over. Right?!

Earlier this week when the weather looked promising we dug out some outside trucks and the t-ball set Aunt Sara and Uncle Thomas sent Jackson a while back. Spring training you know. Well, Owen, in case you all weren’t aware has some very promising baseball skills. The fact that the boy knew how to hold the bat, place the ball on the tee, followed by a vigorous and well-aimed effort to hit the ball off the tee, is amazing to me! Walking has given him a whole new lease on life.  He feels so liberated to try to keep up with Jackson.

sneaky guy

Jackson is also loving the spring fling. He is out the atrium door before I even know he is gone. Often half in pj’s and without shoes.   He is in teacher mode with Owen these days, showing him the ropes on the big boy bike, ball throwing and rock skipping. Owen is usually receptive. Usually.  Jackson is also staying busy with his English playgroup. We added a morning last week so he now goes Wed and Fri mornings. He loves it. This week they have been preparing for Carnaval that begins this weekend. We will be going to the kinder parade tomorrow afternoon. Pictures of that to come I am sure! Below is his clown mask he made!


  1. Judy Seckinger

    Owen!!! He is a little boy….almost!

  2. Judy Seckinger

    Owen!!! He is a little boy….almost!

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