Valentine’s visitors

On Valentine’s Day, the O’Leary chicas along with 2 friends came to visit for the week. We had such a fun time.  The boys got spoiled rotten by all of the attention. We walked by the river, shopped, toured Bern, Thun and a couple of towns in France, ate, laughed hard, and had a wonderful time!

One of my memories of living with Annie was of her making her famous devil dog cookies. They were awesome! So for her visit I made heart-shaped red velvet whoopie pies! They turned our better than expected. I was sure they would look like big blobs. And I had about a 4th of the food coloring I needed. So mine were hot pink and not so red but you get the idea.

here was the recipe I used…

Enough about the are a few pictures from our time. I haven’t uploaded them all yet.

So fun to have Annie, Suzanne and all of the girlies here! Wish we all lived closer! Still having some withdrawl!


  1. Annie O'Leary

    How have you had time to do anything but sleep and recover from the Kentucky home invasion – we had such a great time and were spoiled by your meals and hospitality !
    Thanks for leaving off the picture of me where I look toothless! (hint, hint)
    Cheers –

  2. Annie O'Leary

    How have you had time to do anything but sleep and recover from the Kentucky home invasion – we had such a great time and were spoiled by your meals and hospitality !
    Thanks for leaving off the picture of me where I look toothless! (hint, hint)
    Cheers –

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