Our Little Mono


Over the past few months here in Bogota people have frequently called Jackson “mono”. In Spanish this is monkey. The other day our maid was talking to me about how blond my hair was and she used the word “mona”. We realized that all this time people have been saying that Jackson is so blond not that he is a little monkey! They really should stick to rubio! That would have been much less confusing…and much less offensive! :) As you can see we are still learning Spanish. It will take a lifetime to master. Seth keeps attempting English jokes translated into Spanish…they aren’t going over so well. He gets a lot of confused looks. I get confused looks because I just spit out a bunch of mixed up Spanish and smile. So far it is working for me.


  1. I have no doubt that Jackson has “monkey” potential because there are definitely some mischevous genes inside that innocent smile! What a precious picture!

  2. I have no doubt that Jackson has “monkey” potential because there are definitely some mischevous genes inside that innocent smile! What a precious picture!

  3. I have no doubt that Jackson has “monkey” potential because there are definitely some mischevous genes inside that innocent smile! What a precious picture!

  4. Margo Angermiller

    He is so adorable! I’m sure everyone just loves to see him. I told Dan he is a miniature Seth :) Thanks for posting so many photos!

  5. Margo Angermiller

    He is so adorable! I’m sure everyone just loves to see him. I told Dan he is a miniature Seth :) Thanks for posting so many photos!

  6. Margo Angermiller

    He is so adorable! I’m sure everyone just loves to see him. I told Dan he is a miniature Seth :) Thanks for posting so many photos!

  7. So very cute! Those eyes are so deep and blue and gorgeous!

  8. So very cute! Those eyes are so deep and blue and gorgeous!

  9. So very cute! Those eyes are so deep and blue and gorgeous!

  10. Verónica de Chile

    Tu hijo es bello, y se parece mucho a ti, vi las fotos de tu familia y pienso que tu familia es muy hermosa.
    Ustedes (tu y tu esposa) son muy valientes, estar tan lejos de sus familias y país no debe ser fácil, pero estoy segura que el Señor cuida de ustedes cada día y les bendice.

    Un saludo muy cariñoso desde Concepción-Chile.

  11. Verónica de Chile

    Tu hijo es bello, y se parece mucho a ti, vi las fotos de tu familia y pienso que tu familia es muy hermosa.
    Ustedes (tu y tu esposa) son muy valientes, estar tan lejos de sus familias y país no debe ser fácil, pero estoy segura que el Señor cuida de ustedes cada día y les bendice.

    Un saludo muy cariñoso desde Concepción-Chile.

  12. Verónica de Chile

    Tu hijo es bello, y se parece mucho a ti, vi las fotos de tu familia y pienso que tu familia es muy hermosa.
    Ustedes (tu y tu esposa) son muy valientes, estar tan lejos de sus familias y país no debe ser fácil, pero estoy segura que el Señor cuida de ustedes cada día y les bendice.

    Un saludo muy cariñoso desde Concepción-Chile.

  13. “Mona” (fem.) and “mono”(masc.) also mean attractive or cute.

  14. “Mona” (fem.) and “mono”(masc.) also mean attractive or cute.

  15. “Mona” (fem.) and “mono”(masc.) also mean attractive or cute.

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