Bogota packout and final days

Well, it is good to be able to post on this end of things having had survived our packout. It took weeks of prep with our things being divided between storage, DC short term (our things for the next 8 months), DC long term storage, Bern and giveaway! I threatened after this packout that next packout I might take Jackson and Owen away and let Seth do it! Jackson was more than enthusiastic and helpful which made things interesting. The movers were in our home for 3 full days, not because we had that much stuff but because in true Colombian style our packers were late, didn’t show up and worked like snails! We were so relieved to see the trucks drive away.

Here are a few pictures!





Jackson on his last day at school. He carried in bouquets of flowers for his teachers



saying good bye to Sonia and Santiago


saying good bye to our guards and getting the chance to hold the walkie talkie and wear the official hat


helping with the luggage.


his backpack was so heavy he fell over carrying it!


Our traveling family. USA here we come!


  1. now that’s what I’m talkin about!! (see pic#3)

  2. Every boy’s dream!

  3. Kristen, Only a good mom would take that video and laugh while doing it. I love it and of course was laughing. . . what a little helper you have, and of course love the way he says elevator!

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