2 year stats


We went for a well-check on Jackson’s birthday. Here are his current measurements!

Weight: 30 lbs

Height: 37.8 inches

Head circum: 19.29 inches

He’s a big boy! Everyone keeps saying he will slow down on height but we haven’t seen that yet! He is finally in clothes that are equivalent to his age which is nice because for quite awhile he was way ahead of the sizes!

Jackson is enjoying new “big boy” activities  like getting to use markers, playing with stickers and paper, helping with things around the house and most of all he loves playdoh. He loves to run and climb and will often say “I’m fast, mommy” and “ready, set, go”.

He is speaking his mind often and some of his latest lines he uses are “no thank you”, “in 6 mins” (we think he gets this from us saying “in 5 mins we are….”). The other night he found spinach in his pasta and said “yuck, it’s a flower”. We had never even heard him say the word “yuck”. This morning he pretended to call his Nama on the phone. He picked up the phone and said “Nama,  hi, I’m here. Yea, hello. No answer. Not here.” I just sat back and listened. Before his birthday he kept saying “birthday, soon” “clown”, “birthday cake”. He had a mental record of everything from previous parties he had attended. Luckily at his party he didn’t ask where the clown was!

Jackson is starting to talk about the baby and knows he is the “big bruder”. When we ask where his brother he is comes over and looks for the baby in my belly.  It will sure be a shock with the new baby but we think he will be a great big brother!


  1. I didn’t write on the birthday party blog, but it looked like a fun party for kids. The cake was great! What kid wouldn’t like a chocolate farm scene!

    We’re proud of our big boy and looking forward to seeing him very soon.

  2. I didn’t write on the birthday party blog, but it looked like a fun party for kids. The cake was great! What kid wouldn’t like a chocolate farm scene!

    We’re proud of our big boy and looking forward to seeing him very soon.

  3. boandleigh

    oh, so cute. I better get to hear some of those words soon! I guess he will probably be babbling away by the time I see him again next. kinda sad. but thats okay.

  4. boandleigh

    oh, so cute. I better get to hear some of those words soon! I guess he will probably be babbling away by the time I see him again next. kinda sad. but thats okay.

  5. Grandma and Grandpa

    We Are so excited for you both to have had such a grand experience in Bogota I doen’t seem possible that Jackson is 2 already. Loved hearing about his birthday. I do hope that we can make a trip north whenyou are in Washington.

    Nathan and Jedd and Ethan arewith us this week. They are at Sanibel today, visiting the beach and the Schnapper’s hot dog place. I think that Grandpa will sleep for a week when they leave, but he is having a wonderful adventure. They were fishing until 11 p.m. last night!

    Love to all of you, and Happy Birthday Jackson.

    GG and Gpop Seckinger

  6. Grandma and Grandpa

    We Are so excited for you both to have had such a grand experience in Bogota I doen’t seem possible that Jackson is 2 already. Loved hearing about his birthday. I do hope that we can make a trip north whenyou are in Washington.

    Nathan and Jedd and Ethan arewith us this week. They are at Sanibel today, visiting the beach and the Schnapper’s hot dog place. I think that Grandpa will sleep for a week when they leave, but he is having a wonderful adventure. They were fishing until 11 p.m. last night!

    Love to all of you, and Happy Birthday Jackson.

    GG and Gpop Seckinger

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