Kuddos to the Seckingers.  Yep, it’s Frankfurt, the delicacy being the frankfurter, or perro caliente as we say here.

Drum roll please….#16

This country’s coast stretches over 1,700 miles.  It is the only country in the world with 3 capital cities.  One of the main langauges spoken in this city is Tswana, which is close to a potentially new name for the city, Tshwane. (The government and others are in the process of changing it.) Rugby Union is is one of the most popular sports in the city. The city’s main street, Church Street, is one of the longest straight streets in the world. Many of the city’s streets are linked with jacaranda trees that blossom mauve in spring, giving rise to the city’s nickname “Jacaranda City.”

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#14 was a tough one, apparently.  Caracas, Venezeula.  I doubt we’ll end up here.  The government doesn’t like Americans much.

For #15, we’ll go ahead and give you the country, Germany.

This city is the 5th largest in Germany and is located on the Main River.  It is only behind Paris for the largest financial center in Europe.  The world’s largest auto and book show are here.  It also has the two tallest skyscrapers in the European Union.  One of its delicacies is world famous, especially in the U.S.

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