Hi folks, we are alive, we are well, we are settling in….and we are still without internet. I haven’t forgotten about all of you and I have 2 months of photos and life to share with you. But internet doesn’t come for a week so I will sneak to Starbucks around the corner when I can but it will likely be a few weeks of catchup! In the meantime….we are loving our new home, our boys are peacefully settling in and SLEEPing again, we miss our dear friends in Switzerland, we are enjoying reuniting with dear friends here in NoVa, we made lots of happy memories (with minimal heat stroke) in Texas and our hands are covered with paint from the endless house projects!! Life is busy and good! More to come! Thanks for bearing with me!







You can find me blogging on World Moms Blog this week….www.worldmomsblog.com. They have a new fancy schmancy website so hop on over if you have time!

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Sheesh. I happened to glance back at my post yesterday and noticed that not only had I typed it with the boys, I hadn’t reread it to see there were like 10 errors. Ooops. I went back and made changes! The lack of focus is mainly coming from being tired from our other blog project. Seth and I have been hard at work transitioning our blog to something different. Different name and format but same old everyday content!  Stay tuned. It is getting close to going live!

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