I joked in a previous post about the Doom’s day kits that I often see on Pintrest and how really what the world (at least the world of young families with children) needs are stomach bug preparedness kits. Laugh now folks. Moving beyond the joke….you know you want one! {and dad, just because this seems atrocious that your daughter would write on the world wide web about something like throwing up, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t share….I would hate to keep such a treasure a secret! It would just be wrong}

After each and every family member took their turn on the stomach bug this winter I grew weary of the running around the house to each closet to get this or that, all while trying to get back to my patient before the next round began.

My sister-in-law Sara made us an emergency kit for Christmas complete with collapsible water jugs, special granola bars, matches, etc. It lives down in the laundry room and is handy in the event that we might need it in an emergency or times when the power is out for long periods of time due to storms. And now, residing just next to it is…

Neat sheets- I have been on the hunt for these for a while. I used to see them at Target and Walmart. I found these similar sheets at Michael’s for $6. They are basically waterproof, thick sheets for picnics, etc. Easy to wash and happen to not be towels. Not sure about any of you but I got soooo tired of washing load after load of towels.  My plan when the bug strikes next year is to whip these puppies out and layer them. When one bites the dust it will go straight into the washer….leaving the next neat sheet ready to go. They are big enough to cover the boys beds which means I won’t be layering up loads of towels to cover every inch. And I imagine they will be quieter than making the kids sleep on trash bags!!

Cheap blankets- walmart and target are marking down blankets right now as the seasons change. Grab a few super cheap blankets. When the bug hits take off your kiddos bedding and replace with these. That way your good stuff won’t get ruined and you won’t be running to the laundromat. I speak from experience on this. When Jackson got the bug I actually went up to Owen’s bed and pulled off his comforter. After 4 days I figured he was in the clear and gave the poor boy back his comforter…guess who got the bug that night?! huh?!

Clorox wipes- obviously you will need to do big time cleaning but in those wee hours of the morning and middle of the night you need something disinfecting that is handy and can be thrown straight into the trash.

Pedialyte packs- I love these, I normally don’t go for all of the individual packets because they are pricier but these are worth the cost. I don’t know about now but it used to be that pedialyte in the bottle had to be thrown away after like 24 hours. These packets allow you to mix them with water just what you need, as you need it!

Straw cups- our kids have accumulated these at every party. They don’t fit well in my cabinet but instead of throwing them away I keep a few for “special occasions”. Who knew the stomach bug could be considered a special occasion?! Anyhow, with sick kiddos it’s nice to have cups that close securely and have a straw so they can keep hydrated in bed or wrapped up on the couch without the risk of spilling.

Bucket or bowl- let’s face it, who wants to reuse the bucket or bowl for anything else once it’s been used for major sickness so just buy a cheapo bucket and throw all of your “kit” into it. Then you can sterilize it and use it again.

Garbage bags- in the middle of the night when the washer is already working away and you have more loads incoming, toss them into a trash bag while they wait to spare everything around them getting “the bug”.

Something bubbly- not of the alcoholic variety, although that will be helpful for you as the parents once this all passes!! Something more along the lines of gingerale or sprite to settle tummies. If this is stored upstairs its gone and not ready to go. Stash a bottle with your kit so it’s available!

Now don’t be deceived these items are not propped nicely out of a bucket down in my cabinet….this little display is especially for you my wonderful readers. And while it looks colorful and cheerful I advise you not give these as gifts to friends. They might thank you someday but most likely they will think you are wishing the bug on her and not be so thankful. Just a wee bit of advice!!

I hope none of you EVER need a kit like this!!! Feel free to pin it if you think you might! :) People might laugh but they will be so jealous when they know you are rockin’ the kit while they run frantically for all of the necessities!!






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Thank you!

For those of you that have been faithfully checking for an update following my recent mountain climb, thank you so much for checking on me and most of all thank you for praying me through that trial. Some of you may have seen the post that followed about the worst day ever, if you missed it no worries, it is worth forgetting about! Honestly when I decided to take my test it was enough to swallow me and it felt so UNFAIR (to use my 3 yr olds favorite word) seeing as how I am already certified and have work experience, was licensed in TX, etc. But by the time I took the test I was aware that the test was not the giant of the week by far. I will spare you all of the details but it was a really tough week on all fronts.

I took the exam and miraculously I passed it! Yipeeee! Hallelujah! Seriously, it was good to refresh on everything and it was also good to be reminded why I chose the field and even much easier to apply this time around because I have practiced and have had patients to apply the questions to.

So that part is behind us. We still don’t know what will happen with Seth’s work but at this point we are just taking it one day at a time.

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Many of you know I am taking my Speech Pathology exams this coming Friday. Tough stuff. But soon to be over. I hope.

When I decided to take it short notice a sweet friend in Texas popped her study guide in the mail and it was due to arrive last Friday! Great timing for this once in a lifetime freshen up!

Only Friday when I opened the box that was delivered it was not the trusty book it was a cell phone and scarf. Hmmmm. Maybe my friend had mailed two packages and one (this one) was meant for the other friend?! Not so much. The UPS store confused stickers and mailed our book to a different recipient. Today UPS came by the pick up the cell phone box and says my book should arrive by Wed evening. The test is Friday. On Friday I went ahead and bought a new study guide. At the time of this silly incident I said to Seth “what are the odds?”. Pretty good.

I pushed through the weekend studying like I haven’t in years. Seth planned to telework today knowing that Owen is entertaining himself if he is set up with toys, etc so he was going to attempt it so that I could leave and study. (fully prepared to take the day off it things went south). This morning I spent 3 hours at La Madeline. I was proud of graduating from studying at starbucks yesterday and enjoyed the peaceful place by the fire. I wrapped up my time and miraculously felt good about all that I had covered. I attempted to call Seth but honestly my brain was so jumbled that I just told him I would stop at the store and be home.

I filled a cart in 20 mins or less (which you all know is humanly possible when you are on your own after having been trained to shop with kids). I breezed up to the checkout and grabbed my wallet…..

nope. wasn’t there. But I knew I had seen it in my purse when I bought tea a few hours earlier.

I rushed back to La Madeline and walked in as my cell phone rang and Seth informed me that someone had already spent $4,000 at the Apple Store and $2000 at Target. Stolen. Stink.

So I broke into tears (I couldn’t help it. I was too tired to even think about holding back) as I explained to the manager that I had been there, amongst the business meetings and coffee dates all morning and that the only people hanging out were employees that kept getting in trouble for sitting around being lazy. who knows who took it but whoever it was was good. My purse was tucked by the all under my coat.  Any other time I would feel  dumb for being distracted but this time I don’t feel one bit dumb. For once in my life I needed to be totally focused and of course that was when it happened.  I would have expected it wrangling two kids and such but alone in a peaceful cafe. Ugh.

I made my way home and begged Seth to go to Trader Joe’s to rescue the cart that I had them save while I began my practice test. He was able to go on his lunch break which worked out well. When he got home I noticed a baguette sticking out of the bag. My first thought was “hmm, that’s kind of nice that he grabbed a baguette to go along with our dinner.” then it hit me, he was carrying someone else’s groceries. Not only had I filled a cart and had to leave it like a crazy woman but I had never told Seth what I had in the cart. It turns out there are other crazy cart-leaving people like me. Trader Joe’s was awesome and told us to bring it all back….but then Seth got stuck having to re-shop for the whole list. TJ’s gave us free flowers to make up for our bad day. There are still nice people in the world.  And now I keep remembering things from my wallet and my grocery cart that I had once in my possession and somehow are no longer.

And that is the end of the story.

Tomorrow has got to be better.




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A new Mountain

The funny this about this place is that even though it’s mine and I can technically write whatever I want I often shy away from sharing the heavier stuff. I want this place to be cheerful and uplifting. I don’t want to talk about grief and grumps and unexpected turns.  But I also want to be authentic and real so that all of you can be the same with me.

Here’s the low down…

Seth has been hearing whispers that have now become announcements in some offices about he and many of his colleagues getting furloughed. IF this goes through this would mean they will still have their jobs and benefits but they will be sent home and not paid their salaries. This could come in many forms, likely to be a day or more a week in which he can’t go to work. We are already on a tight budget and now this means he would take likely a 20% or more pay cut. Eeeek. So we are obviously hoping it just doesn’t happen at all like people are predicting. But in the event that it does we have to be proactive.

So, how does this affect us? Besides stress and anxiety?! It means that I am in the midst right now of studying to retake my boards. It seems the state of Virginia doesn’t love a Texas license and will not grant me my Virginia license unless I retest. What??  I have worked for years to maintain my continuing ed classes and credentials and I still need to go through all of the motions again. Which as you can imagine with kids and a house to keep running is challenging. My field is very much science based and technical and the areas that pushed my comfort zone in my dreamy young single years will most certainly push me again.  So while I am excited to eventually have a license and be able to contribute financially to our family again, the task before me feels quite huge.  Not even taking finding a job into consideration yet.

Yet as I feel overwhelmed about going back to work and facing this mountain I am bustling around getting the kids ready to head out the door to take Jackson to his final ortho appointment.   I am keenly aware that had someone told me Jackson would break one bone, then another, that I would have seen that as a similar, seeming impossible mountain to climb. and yet we have already completed that climb. We lived through it. The bones aren’t quite like they were but we learned and grew in that experience. Our son learned so much about working through frustration, social side effects and things I hadn’t anticipated. Worse things have happened to so many other people, but that was one of our mountains. And I am so thankful it is behind us.  I can see how God gave us the patience and strength to get through it.

So I face this new mountain, I am a bit defeated and frustrated that the circumstances weren’t better. I feel ill-equipped for the climb but that doesn’t change the fact that the mountain is still there, staring me in the face.  2013 will no doubt bring with it some interesting times, unexpected ones no doubt.  January is typically a slow month of holiday recovery and a tinge of winter blues as we anticipate Spring. This year is just kicking to get a move on. February here we come!


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