Thank you!

For those of you that have been faithfully checking for an update following my recent mountain climb, thank you so much for checking on me and most of all thank you for praying me through that trial. Some of you may have seen the post that followed about the worst day ever, if you missed it no worries, it is worth forgetting about! Honestly when I decided to take my test it was enough to swallow me and it felt so UNFAIR (to use my 3 yr olds favorite word) seeing as how I am already certified and have work experience, was licensed in TX, etc. But by the time I took the test I was aware that the test was not the giant of the week by far. I will spare you all of the details but it was a really tough week on all fronts.

I took the exam and miraculously I passed it! Yipeeee! Hallelujah! Seriously, it was good to refresh on everything and it was also good to be reminded why I chose the field and even much easier to apply this time around because I have practiced and have had patients to apply the questions to.

So that part is behind us. We still don’t know what will happen with Seth’s work but at this point we are just taking it one day at a time.

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