Family promotions

It’s official, Owen has now worn the cape and has now earned superhero status! Looks like I will be needing to order him his own cape soon! Jackson suited him up and with pure glee he ran around the house with his arms up!


In other news, Seth FINALLY got word this week that he has been tenured. The tenure board got delayed his year so we have been not so patiently awaiting word. It’s not quite like University tenure in that he could still get fired but it is job security in many ways. The biggest benefit is that he is now off probation which means he can be put up for promotion. Very exciting when you work in a government job!  Bring on the promotion, pretty please in time for buying a house!!!

Congrats to Seth and Owen on their recent promotions!  We are all sleeping better at night with with the addition of another Super hero and a tenured officer :)

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