A forgotten website

When I was working, (yes, at one point in my life I was a working, productive in the thinking kind of way, woman) I used this website regularly. I just recently hunted it down again for some new insights into our bustling toddler world around here. Because so many of my friends are dealing with this phase of life or will someday in the future I decided to post a link for you.

Zero to Three

And for your viewing enjoyment here are my crazies just yesterday.

This chair has become quite a source of frustration lately. I love the chair I just don’t love my 13 month old mounting it and thinking it’s for rock climbing. Anyhow, that has been one of our “Zero to 3” behaviors of the week! He has become more stable on it so I am having to fight it less.

and because I took Owen’s picture in this chair Jackson was dying for a turn….so here are a few shots of him entertaining.

this is Jackson acting out a sad face.

We are dealing with all sorts of sibling rivalry, jealousy, lack of gentleness. etc this week. This too shall pass!


  1. Mom & Dad

    Intensity is a good word for this time in life.

  2. Mom & Dad

    Intensity is a good word for this time in life.

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