Is it just me?!

So, every week begins about the same. Owen and I drop Jackson off at school and we head to the gym. Since we joined about 6 weeks ago we are making it there about 3-4 times a week which seems like a success when you consider our other busyness.  I have been pushing myself extra hard to get back into shape. Pushing hard and not really seeing many results. Yes I feel heathier, but more tired and a little lot disappointed that my work doesn’t seem to be paying off like I had hoped. I don’t plan on getting close to my high school, pre-marriage or even pre-baby weight…I just want my clothes to fit and to be healthy.

While being overseas I was aware of lots of fad diets going on stateside but it wasn’t until we came back that I am stopped in my tracks and I am completely confused. On any given day I have a friend or fellow blogger adding this or giving up that. Low Fat Dairy is great for you one day and the next poison. Same with wheat, salt……you name it, it’s likely been discarded and then re-embraced.  I don’t know how many people I know that are doing some special plan. I’m not saying they are bad I am just saying that if you are like me and you are trying to research the best method you can find yourself spinning as they all contradict each other.

I have always had to be careful with my weight. I can remember in high school I got a spot in show choir and it became my goal to look like all of those other girls. I was a terrible dancer darn it but I would look good if I could. And I did. I dropped down to my lowest weight ever just in time for my senior prom.  My hard work had paid off for once in my life. I had eaten really carefully and had faithfully run each evening.

After having had two ginormous baby boys children and adding some years it has become harder and harder for me to lose extra pounds. Positive thinking and the desire to be like my skinny friends just isn’t enough for my body to lose.

There has to be more to this story. In Switzerland, and most places we went to in Europe the people are not overweight. They eat seasonally and enjoy themselves. In the winter their dishes focus mainly on potatoes, carrots, beets, and apples…and fondue! In the Spring it was asparagus, strawberries, leeks, etc.  Summer was full of lots of greens, fruits, etc. But back here potatoes are the enemy and good grief things get serious if you aren’t drinking skim, fat free, la, la, la. Make that ORGANIC. Oddly, Americans seem really unhealthy and spending tons of time and money trying to fix themselves.

So, I am resolving to just be healthy. Watching portions and exercising regularly. I plan to savor the seasonal stuff and I am hoping and praying that I can resist this epidemic of being preoccupied with all things food and fitness. My next post will be on fall foods on our menu line up just so you are reassured that we are still enjoying the goodness!


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