So not quite drowning

Most of you have probably read the article about drowning and how speaking is a secondary function so when someone is drowning they aren’t able to call out. It’s awful….don’t think about it too long or you will be depressed or be terribly scared to let your kids swim. Well, Seth would vouch for the fact that I haven’t been completely silent lately….so I must not be completely drowning, but I am at least treading water.

About a month ago I learned that I would be added as a writer to World Moms Blog.  It is such a neat opportunity and I am getting up and running.  I am one of a group of women living around the world writing on motherhood and such. Again, a good thing. But I am a tad bit stressed with the addition of deadlines and feeling the stress of meeting expectations. All normal feelings with something new but still not energizing feelings!

Add to the above new gig: multiple friends looking for jobs and discouraged, a cancer scare with my mother-in-law, a friend with an abnormal nuchal fold test for her growing baby, another friends baby in the hospital, my husband bidding on jobs (ie NOT sleeping well),   and two little boys that are battling it out to learn to enjoy one another one minute and wildly shrieking because life is so exciting the next, and reading some heavy books that are making me dig deep. All of this adds up to feeling a bit tired. Okay, honestly, A LOT tired.

I feel like I am working towards some exciting new projects that require more juggling of things around here as well as carrying the burden for friends and family going through tough times. Is it possible to be too empathetic? Ummmm, probably not but two baked goods that lacked baking soda in the last couple of weeks with vouch for the fact that my empathy often can distract me. I love my friends and family so much and so often wish I was closer to do more tangible things for them. I am trying to learn how to not stifle that empathy but also to find some balance!

People ask how we are doing. We are doing well. We are all healthy and life is good. I am so thankful that my mother-in-law is cancer free, that my friends baby is out of the hospital, and that bidding season is ALMOST over. The list of things to be thankful for abounds. I just have to stop myself sometimes and give myself a break from the feeling that I have to be all things to all people and solve the world’s problems. How prideful am I that I think I can?!

Whew, thanks for letting me vent. The crockpot is bubbling with my mom’s stew! The sun is shining after a very cloudy, grey morning so we are heading out for a long walk with a friend!

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