You know how you can tell by their voice in the morning if your child isn’t feeling well? After 3 + weeks of not really getting together with friends because of snow and sick kids we had a fun playdate with a little buddy planned today. Jackson overheard me on the phone and reported that he was going to Micah’s house…so much for surprises anymore.

That was the plan until this morning when Jackson called out with that congested, yucky nose call. I knew right away that my plans were no longer relevant.   I have had plenty of playdates with moms that bring sick kids, but isn’t that how it all keeps spreading?! The nursery on Sunday was out of control when we picked Jackson up. I just knew there was no way they were washing hands or aware of all of the snot sharing! All that to say, it’s like clockwork. When Jackson goes to nursery just about every other time he comes home with the crud.

Jackson is bummed that I said we can’t play at his friend’s house. To be honest I am probably more bummed. It helps me stay sane to be with friends and to let Jackson have some time to play without needing my constant interaction. Looks like I need to think of something new and exciting for today to ease the runny nose blues!

So for those of you that also got that sick call this morning we feel for you! And for those of you that got a healthy call get out of the house and enjoy the world for us!! :)

On a side note, I tried dairy again yesterday to see if Owen would react better. Turns out he is still super sensitive! We had a rough night of him in extreme discomfort while trying to sleep! Back to dairy free!

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