So I got brave today and finally tried a recipe from my “Deceptively Delicious” cookbook. I made the brownies with veggies purees in them. I can’t tell you exactly what veggies I did because Seth doesn’t want to know what is in them until he gets to taste it. Anyhow, they are really yummy! You’ve got to try them! I don’t know about anyone else, but I would much rather have a dessert that I can enjoy without feeling bad about eating!

On another very random note, our dear South African friends The Towle’s and The Cook’s surprised Jackson with a Fisher-Price bike yesterday since he lends out his baby gear so much! It was so thoughtful and he loves it!

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Where in the World #20

Thanks for bearing with us during our hiatus.  I don’t think we fully thought through what this game would entail!


This country is one of the most Protestant in Latin America, with about 40% claiming to be Protestants.  Miguel Angel Asturias won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1967.  One of the capitals of Spanish colonial America was moved here in 1629 after a “water volcano” (I have no idea what that is!) destroyed the previous capital.  This is one of the very few countries Kristen and I have both been to.

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